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    Position: Home >News Details
    Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Development Special Fund Reward
    Category: Industry Dynamics
    Date: 2018-08-16
    Click: 2616
    Author: 富山科技
    In order to encourage the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry

    In order to encourage the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Zhongshan Government have introduced special funds for the development of advanced equipment manufacturing industry to encourage the development of enterprises. Fushan equipments were successfully selected as follows:

    No. Project Name Equipment Name
    1 2016 Special Fund for the Development of Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Zhongshan City FDM2436A Glass Four Sides Seaming Machine
    2 2016 Special Fund for the Development of Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Zhongshan City N3CFT2860 Top Convection Glass Temering Line
    3 2017 Provincial Specialized Fund for Industry and Informatization (Supporting the Development of Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Industry in the West Bank of the Pearl River) The first project of R&D and use of equipment Top Convection Glass Temering Line

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